HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2017 | 500 Laboratory Personnel Jobs | jobs.teacherz.in

HLL Lifecare Recruitment 2017 | 500 Laboratory Personnel Jobs Apply Online @ lifecarehll.com

HLL Lifecare Limited is published an advertisement for appointment of well-mannered candidate for five hundred (500) vacant seats of Laboratory Personnel under its HLL Lifecare Limited careers prospect 2017. We always says to candidates for visit into official advertisement, which is mentioned in end, to get deep knowledge about interested post because here we are disclosing just useful information about HLL Lifecare vacancies 2017 in short.

HLL Lifecare Limited Recruitment 2017 | 500 LP Posts

Name and Total Jobs: Laboratory Personnel (500- Vacancies)

Age Limit: The lower age limit will be eighteen (18) years & maximum of thirty seven (37) years for GEN Caste. Please refer official notification for other category.

Educational Qulalification: Candidates should have M.Sc. MLT | B.Sc. MLT | DMLT | M.Sc. Degree and Equivalent.

Application Form: Willing job searchers can forward their resume via Email to hrhcsmumbai@lifecarehll.com.

Important Dates: The closing date is not mentioned in official notification. Please call to +9179001 09534 for confirm it. As per our opinion last date will be 06th April, 2017.

HLL Lifecare Limited Functions: HLL Lifecare Limited is has now become one of India’s primary manufacturing concerns thereby creating huge scope of employment within its ambit. The company also market its product thereby requires people for its marketing division as required in the above vacancy. Some of its products can easily be traced on television advertisements.

HLL Lifecare Limited Recruitment 2017 – Closed Jobs

HLL Lifecare Limited HLL under Ministry of Health & Family Welfare is going to appoint educated and talented candidates on the vacant posts of Graduate Engineering. HLL came in to being in the year 1969 on 5th of April primarily manufacturing condoms. It is now the largest concern which manufactures and markets condoms in the world. The first plant was established in Thiruvananthapuram which now has reached a total of seven plants. It was also awarded the best Public Sector Enterprise by the Prime Minister. Now with the passage of time the enterprise has become multi-product oriented which is now taking the responsibility of vaccination. It aims at providing healthcare facility to the society at large at minimal cost.

Total Posts: Graduate Engineering Trainee (01- Vacancy)

Age Limit: Maximum of 27 years as on 01st Dec, 2016

Educational Qulifications: The certificate of BE | B.TECH in Electrical & Electronics and Equivalent is required to apply.

Application Form: Willing and interested candidates can send the application with attested copies of eligibility to the office of Deputy General Manager HR, HLL Lifecare Limited, Akkulam Factory, Sreekariyam PO, Thiruvananthapuram (PIN Code 695 017).

Important Dates: The last date for receipt of application form is 12th Dec, 2016.

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